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Family Planning Integrated into HIV Programming in Namibia Print E-mail

In September and October, the Capacity Project/Namibia reviewed information related to the efforts of faith-based organizations (FBOs) to integrate family planning and reproductive health information, counseling and referral into HIV programming.

Patient data showed that in health facilities run by FBOs, nearly 100% of pregnant women receive counseling on HIV testing and choose to be tested; 20% of tested pregnant women are found to be HIV-positive; and most are enrolled in prevention of mother-to-child transmission services as part of the Capacity Project’s integrated care services within the FBO facilities. Furthermore, the review showed that the FBO facilities emphasized care and treatment, prophylaxis and breastfeeding education, and many provided HIV-positive women with family planning counseling and referrals during their first postnatal visits.

The review comprised key interviews, analysis of data for accuracy and clarity and recommendations for follow-up plans.

October 2008

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