Critical Success Factors

Content-Related Factors

Results-focused planning and practices

HRH strategies and actions aim at achieving measurable improvements.

System-linked alignment

HRH strategies are harmonized with relevant components of the health system (e.g. M&E, supply chain, finance).

Knowledge-based decision-making

Decision-making reflects the best available documented HRH experience.

Learning-oriented perspectives

Views indicate use of M&E to identify lessons learned and best practices to share in-country and globally.

Innovative solutions

There is openness to exploring new solutions to overcome chronicHRH issues.

Comprehensive and integrated approaches

HRH strategies and activities are informed by, interact with and cut across health sector as a whole using a holistic approach even if starting in one area.

Process-Related Factors

Country-led initiatives

HRH improvements that are carried forward by the country rather than external partners.

Government-supported actions

A commitment by the government to support actions that contribute to a sustainable health workforce.

Multi-sector engagement

Engagement by all sectors relevant to building the health workforce (e.g., finance, education, public-private providers, etc.).

Multi-stakeholder involvement

The inclusion of interest groups relevant to particular actions (e.g., NGOs, patient groups, professional associations, donor coordinating committees, etc.).

Donor alignment

Donor support is coordinated and aligned with country HRH plans.

Gender sensitivity

Gender differences accounted for in analysis and development of HRH strategies.