The HRH Action Framework diagram (at left) includes six clickable Action Fields (HR Management Systems, Leadership, Partnership, Finance, Education and Policy) and four clickable Phases (Situational Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Monitoring & Evaluation). To ensure a comprehensive approach to an HRH challenge, you will eventually need to address all Action Fields and Phases of the Action Cycle. However, the Framework is constructed so that, based on your particular areas of interest, you can select any Action Field or Phase and drill down to access relevant tools and guidelines, indicators and resources. You can also learn more about indicators to measure the Improved Health Workforce Outcomes resulting from the implementation.
Influencing Factors
While the HRH Action Framework is applicable in all countries, the way you use it will be influenced by the elements specific to your country context (for example, the economy, the political situation), including the labor market (the capacity of the health workforce in general, international labor influences). The outcomes of applying the Framework will also be influenced by the strength of other components in your health system (for example, the availability of drugs and equipment, the level of technology available, the number and condition of health facilities).
Getting Started
Before proceeding to the Framework diagram, review the Critical Success Factors that will help you make this systematic and comprehensive approach work well. In addition, it is essential to establish an HRH leadership team in order to undertake the kind of coordinated effort needed to address HRH issues. This should be a multi-stakeholder team that includes the major health service employers, relevant government departments, regulators, training institutions and employee representatives. See the Leadership Action Field of the Framework for assistance in establishing this team and providing leadership to achieve an effective and sustainable workforce.
Now go to the Framework diagram and choose where you want to start working. The Framework will guide you through the Action Fields and phases of the Action Cycle.